Your vote helps determine the fate of the sneakers brought before you...

Please like, share, follow, and/or subscribe to be a part of this experience and have your opinion decide whether we ROCK, SAVE, or REAP!!!


Welcome Friends, Foes, and Sneaker Heads,

I have been tasked with reaping the souls of sneakers not worthy of saving or rocking... with your help! Tune in for my YouTube video drops to see what pair is on trial. We will review the life of the sneakers to see if they are worthy of SAVING, ROCKING, or REAPING (selling on eBay)... After judgement has passed (first 100 votes for either ROCK, SAVE, or REAP), we will reveal the verdict with another YouTube drop.

Your vote only counts if you like, share, follow, and/or subscribe to any or all of our many social media pages. You also have the opportunity to buy any of the REAPED sneakers on eBay. Please follow the links and make sure to email us if you have any questions.

Stay Fresh,

Sneakers Reaper (SNKRSRPR)

YouTube, Instagram, & Twitter: @snkrsrpr

eBay Seller ID: snkrsrpr